F4 / search help, filter results dynamically
When you want to filter the results dynamically based on some criteria, you can do it in search help exits. The example below demonstrates how to create your own exit.
When you want to filter the results dynamically based on some criteria, you can do it in search help exits. The example below demonstrates how to create your own exit.
Get employee ID
Constants Description Name Type Document Status /sapsrm/if_pdo_status_c constant interface Object Types /sapsrm/if_pdo_obj_types_c constant interface Procurement Document Generic /sapsrm/if_pdo_constants_gen_c constant interface Workflow /sapsrm/if_wf_process_c constant interface Constant mix /sappssrm/cl_constants constant class URL generation services (to access PDO) /sapsrm/cl_url_service class
Use the following snippet to determine the workflow agents / approvers of an SRM Shopping Cart.
This code is working properly, when the SRM system is connected to exactly one ECC Backend only.
This value list comes from the domain behind data element WDUI_TABLE_CELL_DESIGN. You can use these codes to paint your cell backgrounds. Check it out
Like in the SAP GUI or WebDynpro lists, you can paint the cell background of a field.
There is a specific class behind every ABAP WebDynpro component. This is generated by the system with category 80 – WebDynpro Runtime Object.
Various reason can be for terminating a Floorplan Manager application, like unsufficient authorization to launch the application. This can be done with the pattern below.