You want to activate services in transaction SICF in mass, but not all of them at once in an SAP system, which is frankly unnecessary in any context (an unnecessary security issue for example). One context could be activating all endpoints related to Fiori applications and OData services in a quality system, which were activated and transported from the development system.

Doing this one by one is quite effort demanding. SAP provides some mass activation tools for that purpose fortunately. 

Execute report RS_ICF_SERV_ADMIN_TASKS in the development system, and choose option Export active services to CSV file.

RS_ICF_SERV_ADMIN_TASKS- Mass activation of SICF services

Save/generate the CSV file containing all active services

RS_ICF_SERV_ADMIN_TASKS_Masss_Export Mass activation of SICF services

Hints and Fine Tuning

The export will dump all active services, not only UI5 or OData. Before import in target system: you can sort, edit the CSV and keep only the necsseery entries under the /sap/bc/ui5_ui5 or /sap/opu/odata and /default_host/sap/bc/bsp/sap/ nodes to restrict the import to certain type of services, or you activate the same set of services as in the development system.

Execute report RS_ICF_SERV_MASS_PROCESSING and select option Activate ICF services for all virtual hosts listed in CSV file

RS_ICF_SERV_MASS_PROCESSING_Import Mass activation of SICF services

The system will prompt for the CSV upon execution. Choose the file exported in previous step, and upload

RS_ICF_SERV_MASS_PROCESSING_Import2 Mass activation of SICF services

As result all services will be activated which present on the target system. Non existing services will be shown in the result log of the target system. 

You can validate the activations in transaction SICF with a random sample.

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