Reading BRF+ Decision Table into ABAP
The below snippet helps you to read BRF+ decision tables into ABAP, where only I EQ LOW range or direct value assignment is specified in a particular BRF+ table cell (everything other is ignored).
To get the BRF+ table content into ABAP:
- obtain the BRF+ table GUID from the BRF+ Workbench and pass it as
- define a structure/table type in DDIC or a type locally in ABAP, which has the identical component names (and possibly the same types) as the BRF+ table columns to use as
This solution focuses on developer conviniency:
- column order is arbitrary
- you can have more and less columns in your internal table
CLASS-METHODS read_decision_table IMPORTING !i_id TYPE if_fdt_types=>id EXPORTING !e_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE .
METHOD read_decision_table. DATA: time_now TYPE if_fdt_types=>timestamp. GET TIME STAMP FIELD time_now. cl_fdt_factory=>get_instance_generic( EXPORTING iv_id = i_id IMPORTING eo_instance = DATA(dt_generic_ref) ). DATA(decision_table) = CAST if_fdt_decision_table( dt_generic_ref ). decision_table->get_columns( EXPORTING iv_timestamp = time_now IMPORTING ets_column = DATA(columns) ). DATA(col_count) = lines( columns ). decision_table->get_rows( EXPORTING iv_timestamp = time_now IMPORTING ets_row_data = DATA(table_rows) ). LOOP AT table_rows ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<row>). APPEND INITIAL LINE TO e_table ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<result_row>). LOOP AT columns INTO DATA(column). cl_fdt_maintenance=>get_admin_data_details( EXPORTING iv_id = column-object_id IMPORTING ev_name = DATA(col_name) ). TRY. DATA(cell) = <row>-ts_cell_data[ column-col_no ]. CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found. CONTINUE. ENDTRY. IF cell-r_value IS BOUND. DATA(value_ref) = cell-r_value. ASSIGN value_ref->* TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<value>). IF <value> IS ASSIGNED. ASSIGN COMPONENT col_name OF STRUCTURE <result_row> TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<result_value>). IF <result_value> IS ASSIGNED. <result_value> = <value>. UNASSIGN <result_value>. ENDIF. UNASSIGN <value>. ENDIF. ELSEIF cell-ts_range IS NOT INITIAL. value_ref = cell-ts_range[ 1 ]-r_low_value. ASSIGN value_ref->* TO <value>. IF <value> IS ASSIGNED. ASSIGN COMPONENT col_name OF STRUCTURE <result_row> TO <result_value>. IF <result_value> IS ASSIGNED. <result_value> = <value>. UNASSIGN <result_value>. ENDIF. UNASSIGN <value>. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD.
To create that snippet, great help was the article by Jocelyn Dart
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