Clear users recent Fiori Launchpad FLP activity
You need to clear user recent Fiori Launchpad (FLP) activities, because of changes in the Target Mapping, which would lead to an SAP standard error dialog, when trying to open the obsolete app etc.)
You need to clear user recent Fiori Launchpad (FLP) activities, because of changes in the Target Mapping, which would lead to an SAP standard error dialog, when trying to open the obsolete app etc.)
If you ever worked with SAP GUI, you know the strong built-in capability which validates user input format based on the underlying Domain settings (DOMA) embedded into the Data Elemenet behind the user input field. Everything is automatic, comes out-of-the box.
Save time and have much clearer coding instead of implementing specialized confirmation Dialogs in Fiori / SAPUI5.
XML Views represent the layout much better than JS Views in UI5. By default, lists etc. load a restricted number of items through aggregation binding. You can extend this without programming within XML Views. It requires configuration of the binding with the length parameter. This will set the $top option in the underlying OData query.
You want to disable caching at the client side. For example the web browser of the end user will not store the server response data You collected and sent back in Your Data Provider class. After project generation in SEGW transaction, the DPC_EXT class is ready to implement the method redefinitions to build responses for the client(get_entity,get_entityset […]
You want to activate services in transaction SICF in mass, but not all of them at once in an SAP system, which is frankly unnecessary in any context (an unnecessary security issue for example). One context could be activating all endpoints related to Fiori applications and OData services in a quality system, which were activated and transported from […]
MIME repository is a nice and convenient way to store and provide built in documents for end users. It comes handy, when working with templates. User can download the up to date templates always. This is especially good, when users use excel documents, to load data into the system.
SAP worklfows can be hanging for numerous reasons. This article explains about detecting the failure of saving workflow container data to database, where the container conversion to the database format fails in the middle. This approach applicable to resolve root cause of dumps (happening in the SAP standard WF classes) of hanging workflows.
Simple value as string Definition