Category: BTP

CAP Queries

This article is about providing some samples for CAP Queries, and the context to execute them. Let me mention a small comparison to querying in ABAP at the beginning. Working with Open SQL and with ABAP SQL for decades was very convenient in ABAP. I cannot tell the same for CAP now. While in ABAP […]


Hybrid Testing in CAP using environment variables

Hybrid testing in CAP contect means You want to execute your application code inside Your development environment like BAS or VSCode using BTP Cloud Foundry resources. This is a very common activity as CAP developer. You develop a feature making a code change what You want to test before deploying it to the corresponding BTP […]



This is a collection of snippets which are good to keep in mind and become handy. Some points could be a part of a development guideline as well . Process Events subscriptions Detecting unhandled Promise rejections The unhandledRejection event is triggered when a promise failure isn’t handled in your application. You can subscribe to this […]


Command Line Commands for SAP Development

NPM NPM install package globally (system-wide) NPM install package locally and add as devDependency (in your project) into the package.json file NPM install packages found in the package.json file locally in the same folder where You issue NPM install a package and add to package.json under dependencies NPM check outdated Local packages Open terminal in […]