INCLUDE TYPE when defining new types with TYPES statement
Include fields defining a new structure
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_cua_update, uname TYPE xubname, modify_type TYPE c LENGTH 1, update_op TYPE c LENGTH 1, modify_failed TYPE boole_d, modify_messages TYPE bapirettab, distribution_failed TYPE boole_d, distribution_messages TYPE bapirettab, END OF ty_cua_update.
Include complete structures at the end after other fields
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_cua_update, uname TYPE xubname, modify_type TYPE c LENGTH 1, update_op TYPE c LENGTH 1, modify_failed TYPE boole_d, modify_messages TYPE bapirettab, distribution_failed TYPE boole_d, distribution_messages TYPE bapirettab. INCLUDE TYPE bapilogond. TYPES END OF ty_cua_update.
TYPES: is a chain statement.
You can save to code the TYPES statement at the beginning of each line (without colon) then terminating each line with a dot. You can use chaining instead, which is possible for all ABAP statements. Simply add colon:
, and separate the rest with,
is a separate statement, so not addition to the TYPES
statement. The TYPES
chain statement is completed before the INCLUDE
statement with a period sign (.)
and a new TYPES
chain statement begins after INCLUDE
Include complete structures in the middle between other fields
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_cua_update, uname TYPE xubname, modify_type TYPE c LENGTH 1, update_op TYPE c LENGTH 1, modify_failed TYPE boole_d, modify_messages TYPE bapirettab, distribution_failed TYPE boole_d, distribution_messages TYPE bapirettab. INCLUDE TYPE bapilogond. TYPES psw TYPE bapipwd. TYPES END OF ty_cua_update.
Including two structures into a new one
TYPES BEGIN OF ty_alv_all_fields. INCLUDE TYPE ZI_TransportRequestQueryALV. INCLUDE TYPE zds_bc_trstatus_ida. TYPES END OF ty_alv_all_fields.
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