Debug Invoice Print Program
The first thing You need is to identify the printing program. To do that, You need to start transaction NACE. In case of Invoices we need to go to V3 – Billing related Output types
You will find the program / subroutine invoked by the system when the printing of the Invoice is requested under Processing routines.
As You recognized the document can be sent through variety of channels. One of them is the Print output, what we are looking for. Here You will find the type of the Form type and Name as well.
After You have the print program and subroutine name in hand, set the break-point in it.
There are some places however, where You can hit Your break-point with printing in Your dialog session, when the goal is to have the instant result in hand.
To do that go to transaction VF03, enter Your Invoice number and choose option Issue Output To
Your break-point should hit. Ensure under the Print Options that a PDF printer is selected.
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