ABAP Developer Tools – the Fine Tuning
Without touching every detail of the ABAP Development Tools installation; I’d like to show You some features of ABAP in Eclipse to fine tune the look and feel and behavior. The eye-catching adjustments help You to configure ADT to Your own flavour. To see the adjustments instantly, log on to an SAP system in advance. Due incompatibility I’m not using any 3rd party theme, just the built-in Dark/Light, due this is what SAP supports to be consistent.
Keyword Colors – Focus easily during analyzing and reading the source code
This is not marketing, but frankly, Eclipse beats ABAP Editor in SE80. Custom colors are also possible. Keywords are not just blue anymore, wow. I like it. As You can see the statements which control the program flow, quitting a block or program unit got emphasized.
TAB settings, to match the ABAP Editor in SE80
Code Completion – ABAP
Also suggest non-keywords
can be helpful for everyone. The other ones are rather individual preferences to set / unset.
For non-UK keyboards (a special language and layout ) the Automatically replace '-'
can be helpful, or for lazy people as well 😉 .
Code completion – CDS Annotation
Working heavily with Metadata Annotations deserves Structured
insertion of CDS annotations.
Format DDL on Save
Do You save CDS data definitions always with correct syntax 🙂 ?
Yes => do formatting automatically
Adjust Editor Font
You feel Consolas font boring, You like better readability ? My personal favorite is Hack
. It has some cool features. You will recognize when working with relational operators or addressing members of an object.
Both Text Font
and Block Selection
Font have to be adjusted under Basic
node to the same format and font.
Isn’t it looks immediately better ?
Keyword, Decoration and other text colors
You can setup the color of the project explorer descriptions, and actually the color of many text types, just look around and adjust according to your own wishes 🙂 .
The most common I apply is adjusting the Keyword
and Literal
colors. I like the more relaxed green than the eye-burning blue.
Dark Theme Custom colors (RGB):
- ABAP- Syntax Coloring
- Keyword: 43,149,62
- Literal: 128,128,64
- Keyword: 43,149,62
- Literal: 128,128,64
Font Size in Project Explorer and other trees/tables in panels
You have the possibility to fine tune the Highlight colors and others as well. For better readability we can for example adjust the Write occurrence positions.
If You look around in the preferences pane, You might discover other customization possibilities. Try-catch 😉 .
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