Save time and have much clearer coding instead of implementing specialized confirmation Dialogs in Fiori / SAPUI5.

  • fnOK: callback function in the controller to invoke, when user press OK button in confirmation Dialog
  • aArguments: an array with parameters to be passed for fnOK
  • si18nTitle: i18n identifier of the text in the resourcebundle file ( to be shown as Dialog Title
  • si18nText: i18n identifier of the text in the resourcebundle file ( to be shown as Message Text
], function(Controller, MessageBox ) {
	"use strict";

	return Controller.extend("My.controller.Example", {
		onInit: function() {
			// Global references
			this._oComponent = sap.ui.core.Component.getOwnerComponentFor(this.getView());
			this._oText = this._oComponent.getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle();
		 * Generic Confirmation Dialog for reuse
		 * @param fnOK
		 * @param aArguments
		 * @param si18nTitle
		 * @param si18nText
		openConfirmDialog: function(fnOK, aArguments, si18nTitle, si18nText) {
				this._oText.getText(si18nText), {
					icon: MessageBox.Icon.QUESTION,
					title: this._oText.getText(si18nTitle),
					actions: [MessageBox.Action.YES, MessageBox.Action.NO],
					onClose: function(sAnswer) {
						if (sAnswer === MessageBox.Action.YES) {
							fnOK.apply(this, aArguments);


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