The most important thing here is to know the factory class cl_abap_lock_object_factory, which creates You an instance of the lock implementing the interface if_abap_lock_object, just provide the Lock Object name.

Use method enqueue/dequeue to lock the required record(s) providing a name-value pair table passing the field names and the corresponding value.

In case invalid parameters are provided, cx_abap_lock_failure is triggered.

If someone else is locking the record(s) already, You get exception cx_abap_foreign_lock, where the user_name attribute holds the guilty user name :).

        "Get instance of lock object
        DATA(lock) = cl_abap_lock_object_factory=>get_instance( iv_name = 'EZ_ZPMMNRQ' ).

        "Enqueue(lock) the record / group of records
            it_parameter  = VALUE #( (  name = 'PLANT' value = REF #( 'DE82' ) ) )

        "lock error
      CATCH cx_abap_lock_failure INTO DATA(ex_lock_failure).
        "Depends on implementation if You need to let it dump
        RAISE SHORTDUMP ex_lock_failure.

        "foreign lock
      CATCH cx_abap_foreign_lock INTO DATA(ex_foreign_lock).
        "This user is locking already
        DATA(iam_locking_it) = ex_foreign_lock->user_name.

Interesting facts

Some part of the factory is implemented inside with TEST-SEAM, whether You are allowed to use that lock object. It means released or not in cloud development.

METHOD whitelist_check.
    "check if caller is allowed to use the object

        DATA lt_objects_not_to_be_used TYPE if_ars_abap_object_check=>ty_gts_object_not_to_be_used.

        TEST-SEAM ars_generic_call_check.
          lt_objects_not_to_be_used = cl_ars_generic_call_check=>get_instance( )->check( "Perform object restriction check
            iv_api_name     = 'CL_ABAP_LOCK_OBJECT_FACTORY'
            it_used_objects = VALUE #( ( object-type = 'ENQU' object-name = iv_name  ) ) ).

        IF lt_objects_not_to_be_used IS NOT INITIAL.
          RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_abap_lock_failure
              textid           = cx_abap_lock_failure=>object_not_to_be_used
              object_name      = |{ iv_name }|
              object_type_text = |{ 'lock object'(001) }|.

      CATCH cx_ars_abap_object_check INTO DATA(lx_exc).
        RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_abap_lock_failure
            previous = lx_exc.


Another interesting thing, that the lock object implementation is a local class within the factory class implementing the global interface if_abap_lock_object. Here You at which place the exception is triggered, when the record(s) is/are locked already.

kep-4-1024x174 Locking in ABAP on BTP

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