Plan Report / Job in background programmatically
There are cases, when you need to plan reports programatically to run in background in ABAP – providing some selection parameters – such as cleanup reports, generations, data retrieval and storage from external resources and so on. You can react on your application specific events, and plan a job to be processed by a batch work process. If your report is designed to run in background only, you can evaluate the content of system field sy-batch (structure syst).
DATA: lv_jobcount TYPE btcjobcnt, lv_jobcnumc TYPE crmcount, lt_jobcount TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF btcjobcnt, lv_dummy TYPE string. "#EC NEEDED SELECT jobcount FROM tbtco INTO TABLE lt_jobcount WHERE jobname = gc_jobname. IF lt_jobcount IS NOT INITIAL. SORT lt_jobcount DESCENDING BY table_line. READ TABLE lt_jobcount INTO lv_jobcount INDEX 1. lv_jobcnumc = lv_jobcount. ENDIF. ADD 1 TO lv_jobcnumc. lv_jobcount = lv_jobcnumc. * Setup Job CALL FUNCTION 'JOB_OPEN' EXPORTING jobname = gc_jobname IMPORTING jobcount = lv_jobcount EXCEPTIONS cant_create_job = 1 invalid_job_data = 2 jobname_missing = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc NE 0. "handle / propagate exception RETURN. ENDIF. SUBMIT cleanup_saacont "<-name of the report VIA JOB gc_jobname NUMBER lv_jobcount AND RETURN WITH testrun EQ abap_true. "<-selection screen parameter "Release Job CALL FUNCTION 'JOB_CLOSE' EXPORTING jobcount = lv_jobcount jobname = gc_jobname strtimmed = 'X' EXCEPTIONS cant_start_immediate = 1 invalid_startdate = 2 jobname_missing = 3 job_close_failed = 4 job_nosteps = 5 job_notex = 6 lock_failed = 7 OTHERS = 8. IF sy-subrc NE 0. "handle / propagate exception RETURN. ENDIF.
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