HCM Programming
Get employee ID
DATA(employee_api) = cl_hcmfab_employee_api=>get_instance( ). DATA(pernr) = employee_api->get_employeenumber_from_user( ). "Scenario, where one user has 1 employment (1 employee ID assigned) "To retrieve employee IDs for multiple employment DATA(pernrs) = employee_api->get_assignments( pernr ).
Get employee name
cl_hcm_employee_api=>get_instance( )->get_employeename( EXPORTING iv_pernr = pernr "Employee ID iv_begda = sy-datum iv_endda = co_doomsday "99991231 iv_auth_check = abap_false ).
Get employee photo URL
CALL METHOD cl_hcm_photo_api=>get_employee_photo EXPORTING iv_pernr = pernr "Employee ID IMPORTING ev_photo_url = DATA(url) ev_mime_type = DATA(mime_type)
Decoupled Framework is the OO Access of Infotype Maintenance. Unfortunately not well documented, therefore coming soon…
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