Cell Color in FPM List
Like in the SAP GUI or WebDynpro lists, you can paint the cell background of a field.
- Add a new component of type WDUI_TABLE_CELL_DESIGN to the table line structure ( e.g. STATUS_CELL_DESIGN)
- Set the field added as cell design reference ( e.g. STATUS_CELL_DESIGN) as technical in IF_FPM_GUIBB_LIST~GET_DEFINITION
- Link the field (e.g. STATUS) to be painted in method IF_FPM_GUIBB_LIST~GET_DEFINITION to the cell design reference field
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_field_descr> TYPE fpmgb_s_listfield_descr. ... "Field properties LOOP AT et_field_description ASSIGNING <ls_field_descr>. CASE <ls_field_descr>-name. WHEN 'STATUS'. <ls_field_descr>-cell_design_ref = 'STATUS_CELL_DESIGN'. WHEN 'STATUS_CELL_DESIGN'. <ls_field_descr>-technical_field = abap_true.
Hint: you can set the same field as cell design reference of more fields.
You just need to fill the STATUS_CELL_DESIGN field during runtime with the requires background color code.
You can choose from a a wide range of colors. Visit data element WDUI_TABLE_CELL_DESIGN, or FPM background color list.
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