Category: ABAP

ABAP and CI/CD ? – Part 0 – What is this about

Transport requests, right ? Spending decades with Transport Organizer (SE09…) and import queues (STMS), standard extensions to prevent release with special magic logic. Pretty familiar for all of us. Companies with development guidelines, include variety of rules, what should be the proper description for a transport request. Hunting the right request based on the name. […]


ABAP Where-used List not working

Sometimes You have to recognize, that a where-used list for a given repository object, like constant interfac members, messages or data elements etc. are not working, but You are sure, there must some results. SAP has dedicated index tables for that cross-references, which might not be up to date for whatever reason. Upgrades or broken […]


Reading BRF+ Decision Table into ABAP

The below snippet helps you to read BRF+ decision tables into ABAP, where only I EQ LOW range or direct value assignment is specified in a particular BRF+ table cell (everything other is ignored). To get the BRF+ table content into ABAP: obtain the BRF+ table GUID from the BRF+ Workbench and pass it as i_id define a […]